1 807 345 1411

About Us

"Our Policy is Quality Assurance" - Since 1960.

Dewhurst Insurance has been a trusted company in Northwestern Ontario for decades. It's one of the oldest independent insurance brokerages in Thunder Bay and Nipigon and features choice and competitive pricing. A single large insurance company doesn't own us; rather, we broker for many reputable companies. This means you, our customer, enjoy multiple options and get the best coverage with competitive cost effectiveness. Customers who come to Dewhurst stay with Dewhurst. Join the Dewhurst team today. Call one of our brokers today for further information. Start saving, get the greatest coverage.

Dewhurst Insurance is an independent company; this means freedom for your broker to shop around within multiple Canadian companies to find the best plan and the best price for you. We offer you Intact, Travelers, Wawanesa, Aviva, Echelon and Jevco.

About Dewhurst Insurance

Dewhurst Insurance has qualified brokers to serve you in person, online or via telephone. Visit us in either Thunder Bay or Nipigon.

Both offices pride themselves in giving the highest level of service to all our customers. Don't hesitate! Call one of our talented, committed brokers today and let us give you a competitive cost quote on your home, your business your vehicle!


David Rooney

HBPE, CAIB - President - Registered Insurance Broker

John Shaw

HB COMM, CAIB - Registered Insurance Broker

Alysia Merryfield

Registered Insurance Broker

Melany Shaen

Registered Insurance Broker

Meghan MacDonald

Registered Insurance Broker

Diane Couch

Broker Support

Shelly Garner


Allison Jarvis
